Caring for someone with Learning Disabilities
Making It Happen
Liverpool’s Making it Happen partnership website covers five areas: Carers, mental health, veterans, learning disabilities and physical and sensory impairment and older people. Organisations can upload their information so there’s plenty to look at.
Making Space
Making Space provides local support for carers of people with mental health problems, dementia and learning disabilities to discuss their caring role, socialise, share experiences and support each other. In Southport the Phil Furnival support group meets on the second Wednesday of every month from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.
In the Garden Room at the Hesketh Centre, Albert Road, Southport. The Sefton Group meets on the second Tuesday of every month 2pm to 4pm at Litherland Town Hall, Sefton Road, Litherland.
Merseycare Learning Disabilities Events For Carers
Merseycare have a friendly and informal group of family members meet every six weeks in our Maplewood building on our Whalley site to discuss topics that affect them and their families. You are warmly invited to come along and listen, join in, ask questions or suggest topics for future discussion.